On 17 July 1914 a memorial tablet dedicated to the memory of the Titanic's musicians was unveiled at the headquarters of the National Orchestral Association in London. The tablet was funded by money raised from a memorial concert organised by the National Orchestral Association and held at the Albert Hall following the disaster in 1912. Sculpted by Paul Montford, with architect Maurice Webb, the tablet is in the form of a large stone mantelpiece with a central, rectangular bronze panel.

On either side of the panel are two female figures representing music and fame, holding a laurel leaf wreath above an urn with an inscribed base listing the names of the musicians. The bronze panel is set between two pairs of pilasters, each with a cherub figure between the pilasters, each cherub standing on the prow of a ship.  The stone surround of the tablet has been overpainted in white paint.

Beneath, the central panel the tablet has eight circular medallions with a bas-relief portrait of the Titanic's musicians. Each medallion is inscribed with the name of the musician around its top edge.  The medallions depict, from left to right: John Frederick Clarke, John Law Hume, Roger Bricoux, Wallace Hartley, John Wesley Woodward, William Theodore Brailey, George Krins and Percy Taylor.

Speaking at the unveiling, the Archdeacon of London said the musician's "last act was one that was worthy to be carved in the nation's history". Mr Landon Ronald, who unveiled the tablet, spoke saying he "felt proud to think that musicians could meet their fate as bravely as any soldiers of the country when put to the test".

The tablet was placed in the library of the Institute where, despite changes in ownership of the building, it remains to this day.  It is one of a number of memorials installed in music-related buildings in memory of the Titanic's musicians.

The tablet has the following inscription:

To the honour of
W Hartley. Bandmaster.
J L Hume. Violin.
R Bricoux. Cello.
P C Taylor. Piano.
G Krins. Violin.
J F C Clarke. Bass.
J W Woodward. Cello.
W T Brailey. Piano.

Who went down the the "Titanic" April 15 1912,
Heroically doing their duty.

Erected with the proceeds of a concert, the Tribute of London
Musicians given at the Albert Hall, May 24. 1912.


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