On Thursday, 11 April at her final port of call at Queenstown, Ireland, the Titanic waited as some 1,385 sacks of mail were brought aboard. One hundred and twenty second and third-class passengers embarked, and around half-a-dozen passengers disembarked. Many of the third-class passengers were emigrants from across Ireland, sailing aboard the Titanic to New York in search of a new life .Within hours of her arrival the Titanic weighed anchor and departed from the Irish coast for New York.

Cobh, as the last port of call of the Titanic before she set off out into the North Atlantic, has many memorials and sites associated with the Titanic. A memorial to the victims of the Titanic, especially the Irish emigrants, but also her other passengers and crew, was unveiled in Pearse Square on 7 July 1998. The memorial is in the form of a large memorial stone atop a cylindrical pedestal base.

The stone is an undressed rectangular slab with two brass plaques attached to the front of the memorial. The upper, circular plaque, carries a scene depicting emigrants aboard a tender approaching the Titanic. The lower, rectangular plaque carries a memorial inscription dedicated to the memory of the Irish emigrants aboard the Titanic, her passengers and crew.

The stone slab memorial carries two plaques. The uppermost plaque is circular in shape, and is a bas-relief scene representing the Titanic's first and last call at Queenstown on 11 April 1912. The scene shows passengers on the open deck of a small tender approaching the port-side of the Titanic's bow. The scene is framed by a male and female couple to the left and to the right a single male figure. They are all looking towards the Titanic, as the tender approaches the mammoth ocean liner, anchored in the harbour.

Our eyes are drawn to the centre-piece of the scene. With their backs towards us are a small group of figures, a mother and three small children with their baggage at their feet. Behind them, in the near distance, is the Titanic, her four funnels and masts clearly visible.

One of the smaller children has their arm around the mother's waist, whilst she has her arm across her other child's shoulder. The tallest of the three children is pointing with his left hand up at the ship.

Beneath is a rectangular brass plaque, with raised lettering. The plaque carries the inscription:

Commemorating R.M.S. Titanic and her last port of call on her maiden and final voyage, April 11, 1912.

In special memory of the Irish emigrants and all those who lost their lives in this great tragedy.

Ah dheis dé go raibh an anmacha.

Memorial erected by the Titanic Historical Society, the Irish Titanic Historical Society, and the people of Cobh.

The Gaelic inscription literally translates as "At God's right hand are the souls".

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